The authoritative work by Brad Abrams and Krzysztof Cwalina on .NET framework design was recently updated.
The Book: Framework Design Guidelines: Conventions, Idioms, and Patterns for Reusable .NET Libraries (2nd Edition)
The Blog:
The Blurb:
Framework Design Guidelines, Second Edition, teaches developers the best practices for designing reusable libraries for the Microsoft .NET Framework. Expanded and updated for .NET 3.5, this new edition focuses on the design issues that directly affect the programmability of a class library, specifically its publicly accessible APIs.
This book can improve the work of any .NET developer producing code that other developers will use. It includes copious annotations to the guidelines by thirty-five prominent architects and practitioners of the .NET Framework, providing a lively discussion of the reasons for the guidelines as well as examples of when to break those guidelines.
Microsoft architects Krzysztof Cwalina and Brad Abrams teach framework design from the top down. From their significant combined experience and deep insight, you will learn
- The general philosophy and fundamental principles of framework design
- Naming guidelines for the various parts of a framework
- Guidelines for the design and extending of types and members of types
- Issues affecting–and guidelines for ensuring–extensibility
- How (and how not) to design exceptions
- Guidelines for–and examples of–common framework design patterns